
Emotion Code Sessions

Body Code Sessions


Emotion Code Sessions

Emotion Code sessions are great for Adults, Children (under 18) and Pets!

Did you know that your body was designed to heal itself?

During your 30-minute (remote or phone call) session I will be using The Emotion Code energy healing modality to find and remove trapped emotions in your body that may be blocking your body’s innate healing ability!

* I do not diagnose, nor do I claim to heal any specific health conditions.

What is a trapped emotion?
Trapped emotions are invisible balls of energy that range in size from your fist to a cantaloupe, that can get trapped in your body during a highly emotional event. The average person has roughly 300 trapped emotions lodged in their body!!

How do they get trapped?
Emotions such grief, fear, anger, anxiety, worry, depression, etc. may have been too overwhelming for you during a highly emotional event, and the body was not able to fully processes it. These balls of energy then get lodged (trapped) in various places within your body, such as in your neck, back, shoulder, knee, organ, or gland. Imagine that ball of energy being stuck in the same place for years! It also creates what we call “Emotional Baggage” such as fear, grief, depression, anxiety, sadness, PTSD, anger, and the list goes on and on. This emotional baggage can eventually cause problems such as knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, back pain, migraine headaches, arthritis, insomnia, high blood pressure, high blood sugar - and this list also goes on and on.

What happens during a session?
Typically (not guaranteed), during a 30-minute energy healing session, 10-15 imbalances are found and removed. There may be sessions where it’s only 1 or 2. The subconscious mind knows exactly how much your body can handle in one session and will let us know what the right number is.

What can I expect after a session?
It usually takes 1-3 days for your body to fully process all the imbalances removed during your session. Everyone processes things differently. You may immediately feel lighter, or more relaxed. You may find you aren’t as angry, or as sad as you were before the session. You may find that your pain diminishes or goes away completely, or…you may feel nothing at all! Because we are all unique, and everyone has individual life experiences, more sessions may be needed for one person than another. Each session is amazing in its own unique way.

While processing, you may feel extra tired, or maybe even feeling like you might be getting sick. Chances are you are not. This is your body processing the rest of the illness or traumatic event that has been trapped in your body for possibly years! The best thing to do is to rest as much as you can and drink lots and lots of water! Please, always seek medical attention if you feel you need to.

Do I need to be present during my session?

You do not need to be present during your session. You can be at home, at work, taking a nap, or even in another country! I will send your session notes to the email address you provide when you sign up for a session. If you prefer to be on the phone with me during your session, that is ok too.

How many sessions will I need?

It depends on the severity of the issue. Some issues may be resolved in one session, but others may take more. It is different for everyone since we have all had our individual life experiences. This is something we can discuss during your free consultation.

It’s time to get rid of this emotional baggage and start living your best life!

How do I get started right away?

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation for yourself, your child, or your pet, and start living your best life!

Always expect a miracle, you deserve one!

To learn more about The Emotion Code, watch this 12-minute YouTube video from Dr. Bradley Nelson - the founder of The Emotion Code

Body Code Sessions

Body Code sessions are great for Adults, Children (under age 18), and yes, even our pets!

What is The Body Code?
This energy healing modality is a mixture of The Emotion Code (read The Emotion Code Session info above) and The Body Code.

The Body Code is much more sophisticated than The Emotion Code.

I use it to identify and release six types of energetic imbalances:

  • Energy imbalances (such as emotional, mental, offensive, post traumatic)

  • Circuitry imbalances (such as chakras or acupuncture meridians)

  • Toxicity (such as dental, biological, food, drug, environmental)

  • Pathogens (such as mold, viruses, fungus, parasites)

  • Structural imbalances (such as bone, organ or gland misalignments)

  • Nutritional deficiencies (such as sleep, hydration, herbs & spices, essential oils, and magnetic field deficiencies)

Whether it’s trapped emotions, nutritional issues, or structural misalignments, the Body Code aims to restore balance and well-being within your body.

Typically during a 30-minute energy healing session, 10-15 energetic imbalances are found and addressed. It usually takes 1-3 days for the body to fully process these imbalances. During this time you may feel extra tired, or maybe even feeling like you’re getting sick. Chances are you are not. This is your body processing the rest of the illness or traumatic event that has been trapped in your body for possibly years. The best thing to do is to rest as much as possible, and drink lots and lots of water! Please, always seek medical attention for them if you feel you need to.

How many sessions will I need?

It depends on the severity of the issue. Some issues may be resolved in one session, but others may take more. It is different for everyone since we have all had our individual life experiences. This is something we can discuss during your free consultation.

How do I get started right away?

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation for yourself, your child, or your pet, and start living your best life. Always expect a miracle, you deserve one!

To learn more about The Body Code, watch this 15-minute YouTube video from Dr. Bradley Nelson - the founder of The Body Code

Energy Healing Sessions for Pets

Is your pet's health declining? Have you seen a change in their behavior after a traumatic event, or for no known reason? Are they in physical pain? As any animal lover will tell you, animals have feelings, too. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion. Even without words, animals express their emotions.

During your pet’s 30-minute remote session I will be using The Body Code energy healing modality (learn about The Body Code above) to find and remove imbalances in their body that may be causing them issues such as fear of thunderstorms or loud noises, fear of humans or children from past physical or emotional abuse, arthritis pain, excessive barking, anxiety, depression, separation anxiety, genetic disorders, to name a few.

Schedule a Body Code session for your pet and help them (and you!) start living their best life!